《中國有嘻哈》口碑逆轉 freestyl收購餐飲設備e來源 freestyle怎麼流行的

PG One, just 23 years old, is one of the contestants that quickly rose to stardom after the show went on air.

現年23歲的PG One是在節目播出後迅速成為明星的選手之一。

The former underground battle MC had already had a modest following before, but after he rapped about Chinese hip hop and his own flow in his segment, his life changed.二手餐飲設備收購


PG One told CGTN: "Before, when my relatives asked what I do, hip-hop only made them puzzled. Now, they say I m cool. And we are recognized everywhere.

PG One跟中國國際電視臺說: 以前,我的親戚問我做什麼時, 嘻哈 隻會讓他們感到困惑。現在,他們說我很酷。我們在所有地方都得到瞭認可。

He also said, We ve been doing hip hop for quite a while now, but it s all underground. Standing on this stage, we get to show Chinese hip hop. That it s just as good. I feel the door has opened for us."

他還說: 我們現在做嘻哈音樂已經有一段時間瞭,但都是在地下。 站在這個舞臺上,我們能夠表演中國嘻哈。這真的很好。我覺得嘻哈音樂之門已經為我們打開瞭。

His fellow hip-hop artist BrAnT B, just 19, echos: "Clubs are playing our music now... And it s good to see everyone, including foreigners, swaying to our beats."

他的夥伴,僅19歲的嘻哈音樂藝術傢BrAnT B說: 現在一些俱樂部正在播放我們的音樂 很高興看到所有人,包括外國人,跟著我們的音樂節拍一起high。

PG One, BrAnT B and the rap group they both belong to have now landed a record deal.

PG One,BrAnT B以及他們的組合現在已經達成瞭一項創記錄的交易。

Their rise of fame may be sudden, but many in the industry also say that less than two decades since hip hop s introduction via artists from 台中二手冰櫃回收Taiwan it s only a matter of time before the music hits it big.


And the show The Rap of China says that time is now.


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